Oil at only around $ 36 a barrel and around here were paying $1.99 a gallon. That's bull crap ! Lower gas is a help to us all . Big oil still paying off congress and screwing America.Why wont Obama pressure oil companies to lower gas prices?
Now that there's a democrat in the White House, libs don't think the president can do anything about gas prices.
Funny how that works.Why wont Obama pressure oil companies to lower gas prices?
Which oil companies? The ones who pull crude oil out of the ground? The ones who ship it to refineries? The refiners? The ones who ship refined product to wholesale terminals? The terminal operators? The ones who truck product to gas stations and heating oil companies? The gasoline and heating oil retailers?
And you do realize that about 50 cents per gallon comprises state and federal (and in some cases local) gasoline taxes, right? And that inefficiencies caused mainly by the hodge podge of seasonal and regional blends required to meet the various emissions standards, and the resulting shortage of local storage, are significant and avoidable drivers of geographic basis? Wait - you know what basis is, right?
Because he can't. Besides he wants to tax it anyway. Say hello to artificially high $3.50/gallon prices again.
There is an easy way to lower gas prices - remove federal and state taxes from the cost to consumer. It will cause gas prices to drop anywhere between 40-60 cents per gallon.
The President has no effect on oil prices. Supply and demand and nothing else.
Why isn't Obama doing anything about gas prices? They were lower during the last months under Bush. Obama's fault!
Yesterday Obama reinstated the offshore drill ban. He actually cut off OUR oil companies!
Beats the hell outta four.
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