Monday, August 23, 2010

Oil prices are high globally. So is it fare to pose windfall profit tax to US oil firms for having profits?

Oil prices are not set by oil firms. If we tax US companies, foreign oil firms and oil countries make more money while US companies suffer.

Oil prices are high globally. So is it fare to pose windfall profit tax to US oil firms for having profits?
You have a valid argument, but it fails in the face of the truth: those who want to 'solve' the oil crisis are the very same who created it ... by stifling oil companies to such an extent that they can't be competitive world wide. FYI ... the government makes more off of 'big oil' than all of those they arer pointing fingers at currently, and they will continue to when they manifest reforms ... lol. And people will be so gullible that they will accept it. After all, we are all for change! Oil prices are high globally. So is it fare to pose windfall profit tax to US oil firms for having profits?
Is it fair to any US taxpayer to subsidize the most prosporous industry that the world has ever known?

SUFFER! Please pull your head out of that dark and danky place and live in the real world.
No. The govt makes more per gallon then the oil companies and they do nothing to earn the money except ';allow'; them to conduct business.

Perhaps we ';should wind fall tax'; any all profits from any company because socialists always thing people having wealth is a bad thing and lets face it the govt is the new religion of the left.

Batman is predicted to make over 400 million lets start taxing hollywood, Wal-Mart and McDonalds for that matter. Oil prices are high around the world because they tax per liter to pay for the ';free'; health care. Do some traveling then make a smart statement or a smart question.
Oil prices are not high globally, in saudi arabia, they are paying 41 cents a gallon for gas, and in iraq 26 to 28 cents per gallon. the middle eastern states that have all the oil pay the lowest price for it. wonder why that is , and why havnet we cut off there wheat, impose embargoes and aide to there countires till the cut the darn price of there oil to us. ? so cant exactly call that global, because lots of countires dont !
Corporations don't pay taxes. Consumers pay the taxes which the business adds to the price of its product as a cost of doing business.

High corporate taxes are just one of the sneaky ways the pigs in DC screw us taxpayers. Tax gas profits; the price of gas goes up...ECON 101.
Only if you are stupid enough to believe that the cost of the tax will not be passed on to the end users. This is why democrats should never be allowed to vote. They are too stupid to rationalize cause and effect of their actions.
Exxon paid $30 billion in taxes last year.

I guess Obama thinks that is not enough.
This won't happen. If you knew the market you would know the oil companies are working on a close margin

Study economics and you will see why your idea is wrong wrong wrong
This tax has always been punitive and is counter to our free market system ... our government has set the oil industry on the pedestal with our weak dollar ... now we are looking for a scapegoat
No, just another democrat looking for an excuse to tax it is a automatic relfex with them.
that dog tried to hunt under carter and it didn't work. I have not heard one person that can explain what windfall profits are. that tax won't pass anyway. mr doodles
Let's see. It was proposed. It didn't get off the ground and no one has mentioned it seriously lately. So why keep beating this dead horse?
Ed said it all,theres nothing more I can add to make people understand.

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