Saturday, August 21, 2010

Is GW Bush partly responsible and or profiting from these high oil /gas prices?

How come no one is tracing the $$$$$? He's from oil. He logically is either profiting, or taking care of the corrupt industry that has taken care of him. Why is no one chasing this angle down????Is GW Bush partly responsible and or profiting from these high oil /gas prices?
Why have the Democrats stopped the USA from building any new refineries in this country since1976 and they have stopped us from drilling for more oil or building any nuclear

power houses.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

And the shame of it is that George Bush warned of this before

he was even elected President.鈥?/a>

So if you want to point a finger at who is causing the oil prices

you will be pointing directly at the Democratic Party.Is GW Bush partly responsible and or profiting from these high oil /gas prices?
Most everybody that owns a mutual fund owns some oil company stock, and many don't even realize it. So there are probably a hundred million Americans out there that are ';profiting'; from high oil prices.

Where we go wrong as a nation is trying to place blame. What we should be doing is working on real solutions:

-- Educating ouserlves and others to understand the underlying facts and the root cause of the problem

-- Conservation and lifestyle change

-- Development of renewables, and

-- Drilling for oil to get us through the next 20-30 tough years. Does anybody realize that it will take at least that long to build the infrastructure necessary to run this country on renewables? What are we to do in the meantime? Starve? Freeze in the dark? Fight wars in Iraq and elsewhere to sustain our addiction?
As a silver spoon,scion of oil money it probably accounts for the majority of his friends and social contacts. He certainly isn't disappointing them and there is a very comfortable seat for him back in Texas unless he receives his just desserts and is investigated,prosecuted and put where we all know he belongs. But something tells me that there is already some unconscionable deal going on to save his *** in order to grease the tracks for the next administration.
Do you have any idea what the profit margin is on all that oil? It is less than 25% which is a lot less than what Walmart charges for most of its products and a lot less than most regular retail stores. They are making so much money not because of the excess profit they are charging but because they are selling a lot more. You realize that the government makes more per gallon than the ';EVIL OIL COMPANIES.';
He gets NO money from oil.

His investments are out of his hands and are carefully monitored by a Congressional Oversight Committee.

Nancy Pilosi knows exactly what that is.

Wonder why she's not accusing him?

OH! Because he isn't doing anything wrong!


It really makes you look like an ***.
Many people have stock in oil. If stock holder could raise the price at will nobody could afford it. so your answer is no he did not raise it or have it raised. What profits he and others that have oil stocks are making are only slightly offsetting the cost they are also paying for gas themselves.
Gw has the perfect set up. He has his father invest the money. He only had 20 million to invest when he took office. But he could say dad put my inheritance in Oil. Dad no longer has to reveal what he does so it is perfect.
Because since most of his investements are in his family members name nothing can really be done. But it's a very good point you bring up.
Actually you need to blame the consumers who purchase product made in China and India. Buy only American.

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