Monday, August 23, 2010

How could leaks in the Tundra's oil pipelines alleve the gas prices in the US?

Leak of oil from a pipeline located in harsh environment like the tundra means a prompt shut down of the line, depressurizing it, recover the spilled oil , repair the line, re pressurize, pressure test the line, start up the pumping station and resume pumping the crude oil. All that operations takes longer time in areas like Tundra due to sever weather, longer time of shut down, and as a result there will be shortage in the national oil production of the USA.

To compensate for that shortage , demand on the gas will increase and consequently it's price will temporarily jump.

The following link is a caption of news about the incident of Tendra pipeline leak, so you can have an idea about the difficult conditions surrounds the repairs operations: could leaks in the Tundra's oil pipelines alleve the gas prices in the US?
thank youuuu =] Report Abuse
How could leaks in the Tundra's oil pipelines alleve the gas prices in the US?

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