Monday, August 23, 2010

Who is openly protesting or even questioning the price gauging of oil?

Congress reportedly tried to debunk the claims of these companies to no avail. The public is apparantly just merely grumbling. They are to get away scott free?

I ask this section because - all issues aside, the population unites hereWho is openly protesting or even questioning the price gauging of oil?
I'm more upset with the fact that we are now burning our food to feed our cars.

I can get by on less gasoline but I always need to eat.

Edit: @Flamespeak the sugar is used to make corn starch/syrup from my understanding which is used in many food products all over the world. I am curious if you have the title or an abstract of that show but I'm pretty sure the process reduces the available usage of the corn which was already being used in its entirety.Who is openly protesting or even questioning the price gauging of oil?
I think we're getting what we deserve. I remember the gas crisis in the 1970s. I remember parking in lines that were several blocks long and waiting for a chance to get gas. I still remember one time a gay came walking along the line, offering to go across the street to McD's and place an order for people and bring it back. We've had 30 years to make our homes and cars more energy efficient and to develop new forms of energy. We've had 30 years to improve our public transportation infrastructure. We've had 30 years to encourage people to live in cities and slow suburban sprawl. And we've blown it. We have chosen to create and purchase gas guzzlers like the Hummer, to build McMansions in exurbs, and to completely ignore and neglect public transportation.

There's no excuse. We're merely reaping what we sowed. We have nobody to blame but ourselves.
There aren't many people really doing anything. The oil and gas companies charge us $3.60 a gallon (that's what the expensive stuff costs around here) because we buy it. End of story.

Blah brings up something interesting. Everybody thinks corn and other biofuel will solve the crisis. Let's look at this from a realistic perspective.

-Very, very few cars can run on biofuel now, and the number isn't going up fast anytime soon

-All this does is drive up prices for corn

-Here in Mississippi, where cotton has been the top crop for over a century, corn has now replaced it at the top, which will drive up cotton prices when the supply goes down (Mississippi produces more cotton than any other state, at one time it was higher than almost any other country in the world, so that's significant), I'm sure other Southern states are doing the same thing, which will drive up cotton prices even more

-Increasing price of feed for livestock due to shortage of corn will make price of meat go up, my dad works with dealing chickens and says those prices are already starting to go up fast because of this

-The number of cars that use biofuel isn't going to be enough to really affect the price of gasoline

-In short, biofuel isn't going to do a damn thing to gas prices and will make prices for other things go up, making the economy even worse

So biofuel is a stupid idea in the long run. I've probably missed other things it'll effect. The last thing we need to do is take food away from people who really need it, such as many countries of the world. That's what biofuel does.

Sorry I got way off track, but I want to address that while we're on fuel since lots of people think biofuel is the saving grace for cars.
We are all grumbling, protesting and complaining about it but until we get ';Politicians'; out of control of our country and get the People (you know like in of the People and by the People) into control with elected officials who are truly representative of us, we might just as well be pissing up a rope

Too much of our government has too much interest in oil to seriously want to rock the boat.....beginning with the President and working down
If you would learn to speak English properly, folks would take you seriously when you come up with these hair brained ideas.

It's price ';gouging'; no gauging.

BTW, gas is not high enough. If it were, I would NEVER see some goofball with a Humvee or an F-350 sitting in the parking lot with his engine idling, burning diesel fuel.
The surging oil prices are due to the high dollar, not supply and demand, thats correct. Oil hase been increasing steadily, like everything else. Wages will adapt. Luckily companies rely on consumer spending so there is a limit to how badly they can hoss the public.
Where I come from, it jumped to $1.25/litre. That may seem dirt cheap, but by American measurements, that would be above the U.S. average. People are PISSED.

I say we all buy stock in oil companies, then sell it at the exact same time.
Starco?? one of the major oil refining company's had the largest profit in 2007 ever in the history of the US in any industry.
as a country we should be mad as ell and do not take it anymore remember this at election time and choose the best person for president come on people do something it is only going to get worse we need action not words or false promise
Actually, there is a gas strike going on May 2nd, so if you want to join in on it, don't buy gas May 2nd.
It is price gauging with excuses!
hey, people? here in kodiak it is FOUR DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS for REGULAR.

you read that right.

Meh, people will always pay because they don't have a choice at this time. As soon as someone releases a readily available electric car at a decent price, the oil company is taking a hard smack and they know it.

P.S. Does no body else question how they can legally charge us $4 for gas and claim it is completely neccessary for that much to be charged when you can go to Mexico and get the same gas for only $2. Liars, all they are is liars....


On the subject of Biofuel,

The corn is being drained of its natural alcohol and sugars for the fuel, the raw protein is still being used (that is the important part for food) to feed the cattle it was originally intended for. The corn is still being used and not just 'burned up' as many think that it is. The processed corn is actually a better product to feed the livestock as it is basically pure food instead of some food with filler wrapped around it.

I saw this on a Discovery channel special at about 3 in the morning while I was fighting one of the worst cases of heartburn I had ever had. Kind of happy I had it, it really made put my mind to rest about this issue.


I will try to locate it, but I don't even know where to begin looking........wait! It was an episode of American Chopper! I remember now, they were building a motorcycle that ran solely on ethanol. The place that makes ethanol stated the corn that was used was generally what was used for the animal feed anyways so it really wasn't a loss. Every part was used according to them, I remember the whole process was actually pretty dang interesting.

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