Well, lowering security at airports just prior to 9/11, ignoring the threat of terrorism, treating it as a joke, going on vvacation and refusing to read the reports, blocking anti-terrorism proposals and then going catatonic in front of a bunch of elementary school students seems, in retrospect, bad ideas.
Dismantaling FEMA, moving National Guard troops and equipent overseas where they can't defend the homeland, appointing friends with no experience to be in charge of homeland defense and having FEMA activily block aid from Katrina victions, also seems to be, in hindsight, a bad idea.
Taking Iraqi oil off of the market, threatening Iran and Venezuella, destabilizing the oil exporting areas, blocking conservation efforts and the search to find alternate sources of energy and purchasing oil for the strategic reserve when the prices are high appear, in retrospect, to be a bad idea.
I don't how Bush II could be responsible for the Kennedy assasination (unless you mean the ongoing Republican character assasination of Ted Kennedy), but some have believed for years that the CIA was responsible for JFK's assasination and Bush I was in the CIA at the time. This seems unlikely, but the other three examples you gave are pretty clearcut.
I heard a Conservative commentator say that the only reason why people think that Bush is a bad president is because all these things just happened to go wrong during his presidency. That is like me failing a test because I just happened to put down a bunch of wrong answers. Not my fault.
One should not blame Bush for everything, but one should blame him, and the Republicans, for the things that they have caused or have contributed to. They need to learn to take personal responsibility for their policy decisions and America needs to learn from the Republicans' mistakes.Is George Bush to blame for 9/11, high oil prices, the Kennedy assasination, %26amp; hurricane Katrina?
Bush would never kill anyone in the following ways unless they were terrorists who deserve it:
(1) third degree burns from fuel tank explosions on planes
(2) jumping from the twin towers
(3) having WTC rubble collapse on you.
He had nothing to do with the Kennedy assassination and why the hell would you blame him for a natural disaster. Hurricane Katrina was clearly driven by the Bermuda triangle which will wipe the entire east coast out in about 10-20 years.
Sure oil prices will be high but if you were smart enough to pass America's rigorous education system, you probably have a good job that will increase your pay as the per capita GDP changes.
He is not to blame for 9/11, he is to blame for losing sight of our objective, to get bin laden. The higher oil prices are a direct result of him pissing of the Arabs with his Iraq invasion.
Hurricane Katrina was also not his fault, just his weak and lackadaisical way he handled himself in the aftermath. As to Kennedy, we still don't know the whole truth about that assassination. His dad might know something, though.
I agree. In an honest assessment (and without going into lengthy analysis).
1. Some blame for not preventing it. His administration had about 7-8 months to detect the plot and neutralize it. Obviously they didn't. Blame can also be spread to the Clinton Administration for the same reason.
2. Indirectly. The conflict in Iraq may have contributed to instability, which causes prices to rise due to speculation.
3. No.
4. No, although he has to take some blame for the adminstration/FEMA's lackluster response to it.
G.W. is a Fighter Jet Pilot and he taught the Terrorists how to FLY those jets that hit the Towers.
G.W. is from Texas so he controls the flow of every drop of oil in the World. ( didn't you ever watch that TV show DALLAS )
G.W. is from Texas and G.W. let Lee Harvey Oswald rest the rifle on his shoulder while Oswald shot Kennedy.
G.W. is from Texas , A next door neighbor to Louisiana and G.W. forced Mayor Nagins who had a 10 days warning of the storm not to prepare for it and G.W. forced Governor Blanco not to cooperate with the Federal Government so the Feds could send the National Guard in to Louisiana in a timely manner.
And if you get a flat tire on or car while you are driving on a Federal High Way that is G.W.'s fault to.
No, he's too stupid to have done any of that.
Karl Rove is to blame for 9/11. As the architect of disaster, he crippled the national command authority at the time that AlQ could have been crippled as it emerged from its cocoon. But instead of having a president who could act presidential, we had the disaster of a Blue Dress that was the Repiglican Gift From God.
High Oil Prices was set up by King George I. He's the one who been kissing Prince Bandar since they were knee-high to a jerboa. George II presided over a devolution of American wealth and significance that he neither intended nor comprehended.
Yes, it is silly to lay all the blame on him, but that's the job. You get all the grief. And think about it, you have almost 600 bozos in congress. That's too many people to remember. One is an easy number. Of course if people want to see the person they should blame they should just look in the mirror. After all, you vote, you don't vote, you're involved.
9/11: Certainly he is the number 1 villain, not OBL. Remember that George Bush Sr talked of a New World Order on 11th Sept, 1991 and on the first 11th Sept of George Bush Jr's Presidency and the 10th anniversary of George Bush Sr's speech the 9/11 happens. Is it a coincidence ? How many coincidences can you accept ?
High Oil Prices: He is part of the blame. USA has 2.5% of world's oil resources and 5% or world's population but consumes 25% of world's oil. Now what do you do when you have less oil ? Sell it cheaply ? No way. But that is what the administration does. Compare the oil prices in US with those in UK or Germany or France and you know what I am saying. They should have increased oil prices to the level of UK by social taxation and used the money for people-related projects or lower the personal taxes or customs duties, etc. This would have reduced the consumption of oil from the present level of 85 million barrels per day (equals the world's oil prodn. capacity of 85 million barrels per day and hence any small fear of dislocation affects the sentiments badly thus increasing the price of crude oil). Even if world oil consumption falls by 5%, the prices will nose-dive which is not in the interest of the present Bush administration which is predominantly run by Ex Oil executives.
Kennedy Assassination: George Bush (Sr) will have to answer the question - where was he on that day ? Was he not in Dallas ? Was he not working in the CIA as an agent ? Was CIA which he headed a decade later not responsible for JFK's murder ? Who is that George Bush whom Edgar Hoover of FBI referred to in his memos ? He has to answer these questions.
Hurricane Katrina: is the result of America's insatiable thirst for oil consumption which caused global warming that caused Katrina. While US would have saved the earth by increasing its oil prices, the response to Katrina was extremely bad. It showed the lack of sensitivity on the part of George Bush and his team.
A great lot of blame for the present state of affairs, violence, war, terrorism and economy are the results of Bush family. I have no doubt about it.
In just 16 months.. Remember the election in 2006?
Thought you might like to read the following:
A little over 16 MONTHS ago:
1) Consumer confidence stood at a 2 1/2 year high;
2) Regular gasoline sold for $2.19 a gallon;
3) The unemployment rate was 4.5%.
Since voting in a Democratic Congress in 2006 we have seen:
1) Consumer confidence plummet;
2) The cost of regular gasoline soar to over $3.50 a gallon;
3) Unemployment is up to 5% (a 10% increase);
4) American households have seen $2.3 tr illion in equity value evaporate (stock and mutual fund losses);
5) Americans have seen their home equity drop by $1.2 trillion dollars;
6) 1% of American homes are in foreclosure.
America voted for change in 2006, and we got it!
It would be great wouldn't it! But no he's not to blame for eveyrthing that is wrong.
He might have been able to stop 9/11 - who knows. The oil prices he helped to trigger through his policies. The dollar weakness is a lot of the problem with oil along with the problems he caused in the middle east. Alan Greenspan's monitary policies had a lot to do with it there and created a cascading effect that led to the oil problem along with housing. Kennedy - i don't think so. Hurricane Katrina - No but the aftermath - YES - he put the people in place that botched the whole thing.
The reason that everyone blames Bush is that he is a smarmy little weasel with an ingratiating smirk. He is involved with people that are as slimy as you can find. He was a spoiled rich kid, a failed business man who only made money because of his family's connections and the desire of people to use them. He was useless on the boards where he was a director. He was mixed up in shady business practices which were mildly investigated. What was left? Politics - where his family could buy what it wanted. Is he as stupid as he seems. Probably not but he is just a puppet for others that pull the strings for their own agenda. He goes along with it for his own gain so I don't know which makes him worse. The incoming string of candidates is no better with one exception and he doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of being elected. The bought and paid for news media makes sure of that.
He does deserve a lot of blame for things because HE (being the decider as he likes to call himself) can do what is right for this people of this country but HE CHOOSES NOT TO. He chooses to side with those that he is beholden to. He could expose all the lies and the treachery that is at play against the heart of America. HE CHOOSES NOT TO. As he himself says - If you're not with us then you're against us. He is not with most Americans (the polls prove it as well as the last major election) so he must be against us. The problem is then - what is he really for? I don't know if I want to really find out. Maybe all that land he has bought in Paraguay has the answer? Is he thinking of running to that non-extraditable, deep in the heart of South America, landlocked country at some point in the future?
You blame him for everything, liberals just condemn his policies and responses.
- OBL was not a high priority before 911, but Democrats do not blame 911 on Bush
- oil prices are influenced by Iraq war and current administration energy policy
- hurricane Katrina response was deplorable!
the rest is just silly smear attack.
I don't like Bushes.
My father-in-law is a Bush. He's an @$$.
Bush beans give me gas, and my dog too.
My mother-in-law is a Bush. She's an @$$ too.
I have Bushes growing around my garage and I hate it.
My wife is pregnant, so she can't trim the Bush. Dammit.
It's all GW's fault. Damned Bushes!
Well I dont think you can blame Bush for Katrina. That was a complete failure at ALL levels.....local, state, and federal.
Most of the blame lies on the shoulders of Nagin and Blanco.
Possibly for 9/11, definitely for high oil prices, no for Kennedy assassination and perhaps indirectly for Katrina since he seems to think the USA will be spared from global warming so refuses to take steps to help reduce it.
If you people would spend more time putting blame where blame is do, instead of trying to duck and dodge the blame with strawman arguments, something good just might happen once in a while.
Not Bush, or his daddy, they are just the puppets doing what they are told to do.It's the Illuminati, that are pulling the strings. Google ';Illuminati';, and see for yourself!
I dont think he is to blame for the kennedy assasination or hurricane Katrina, Afterall that is an act of nature that we can do nothing about... BUT as For 9-11 maybe ... High oil prices... Most def.
Don't think he is responsible for the Kennedy assasination..
Do you have info I'm not aware of...Heard his grandfather was a Nazi sympathizer though
It would appear so.
And I'm pretty sure he's responsible for the earth quake in China. Boy, he really dropped the ball there, didn't he?
Isn't it amazing...
...the man they called ';too stupid to be president'; is the exact same man they give credit to for the MOST ELABORATE conspiracy theories ever concocted?
It's funny how Clinton gets blamed for every single fart in history and the monkey boy is so innocent.
There is a sign on the presidents desk - ';The buck stops here';.
Leave out the assassination and there is no doubt that he made all of the other 3 things worse -
instead of helping to ease the damage and or suffering.
I'm not sure.. but he may have caused the Civil War.
Some guy on the street told me he ';DID'; the Titanic too.
He had proof! Pictures of him on board, his ticket, they even found a hat the same size as his.
My life now has purpose.
Yeah!! Don't forget slavery, the holocaust, the extinction of dinosaurs, volcanic eruptions..... Stupid liberals!
(just ask Michael Moore and George Sorros)
don't forget the disaster in myanmar
He's also responsible for all the dandelions in my yard and the pothole at the end of my street.
I have firm proof he also killed King Tut and order the Crucifixion of Jesus.
i have diabetes because of george bush.
No more than you and I are to blame. You are talking about stuff that is macroeconomicly influenced by world events and so much bigger than one person even if it is the most powerful person in the world.
When you hear War for Oil, you are talking to an ignorant person who has no clue about global eonomics.
no none of those
9/11 was Clinton
higher oil prices is to be blamed on the liberals in Congress.
I don't think Bush was alive for the Kennedy assassination.
Katrina was nature
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