Saturday, August 21, 2010

Why can't we do something about these high oil prices?

Will oil prices ever go down again?Why can't we do something about these high oil prices?
I wish we could do something. The only thing I can think of is to get rid of W and quit being bullies in the Mid East. I wish we had a way of organizing something nationally to protest this crap.Why can't we do something about these high oil prices?
Stop driving. They might.
make your Government force Industry to stop wasting natural resources and to stop polluting our environment.

Make producers and designers of aircraft to find another fuel source other than Avgas which has a very high level of led. By far more than ordinary petrol.

the emission of vehicles is very small when compared to all other pollutants.

stop the destruction of the rain Forrest's in the Americas and Asia.

Force the oil companies to release the inventions that would reduce if not eliminate the use of petrol.
In your individual capacity, nothing is possible other than controlling your energy usage. In a joint effort, shifting towards renewable energy may help a lot.
Stop driving gasdrinking cars...

Get small cars, or hybrids, and dont drive unnecessarily.

Live closer to work...
we can use less oil and boycott stations that gouge

It is a great day to be alive!!

Good Luck and God Bless!!
it can be done by finding alternate fuel
yep. when liberals in congress allow new refineries to be built (been 30 years) and allow for drilling in places like ANWR and Cuban basin where there are substantial reserves.

High oil prices? Blame a liberal
Because we have voted the wrong people into office.

If we can vote into office those who will drill in anwr and other resources available here.
see the thing is oil produnction is limited,whre as the demand is incresrs everyday drastically.. you must be experiencing the inccreasing traffc problm.

in otherhand still we've not reached to any milestone in the way of searching a new fuel resource. whatever we've found is resources which can not be used practically... scitist are working on making the use of water as fuel but still they've not achieved any good results.

YOU KNOW THE ANSWER!!! YOU'VE BEEN TOLD BEFORE!! NO MORE HUMMERS, SUVS, AND GAS-GUZZLERS! I think the E-85 ethanol is a great way. Yes, this is coming from a hippie/tree-hugger, but any scientist/conservationist will tell you the same thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! geez, you've heard it before, and you're gonna here it again. NO MORE DRILLING!!!! In ten years OH SNAP, my bad we drilled too much and now we have no oil :O oops..... go to
suck it up and drive on
i ask myself the same question
the rise in oil is nothing new to the world, just us because we haven't been around very long to notice the changes. how much was oil when we first started consuming it? look at the trends of oil prices, and it will continue to rise. the economy is changing and compensating for it, very slowly but surly.
  • soft lips
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