Friday, July 23, 2010

Why is the price of Gas going up as oil is going down?

Its over $2 a gallon on Long Island and oil is $37. a barrelWhy is the price of Gas going up as oil is going down?
Refineries have stopped producing as much as they had been in order to get the price of gas higher. If you cut the supply, the price of the product goes up. Pretty irritating, isn't it?Why is the price of Gas going up as oil is going down?
I haven't driven very far since my son was born 5 years ago. I hope we're both screwing them! Report Abuse

Yes, OPEC did cut production, but the US has a very high amount of oil in reserve right now, so I don't get the high prices either. I think maybe George Bush took his 'world control panel' with him when he left the White House, and the 'raise oil prices' button is still working, and now he's pressing it furiously since he just cares about making money in oil and not about the people of the USA. You guys remember his 'world control panel', don't you? I assumed he had one since everyone always blamed him every time the price of oil went up.
Oil companies are creating their own supply problem by cutting refinery production. It is at 81.6 percent capacity according to the department of energy.

Now how do the democrats explain rising gas prices now that ';oil man'; Bush is out of office?? You know rising gas prices was his fault dont you? lets ask Obama when he get's back from vacation why don't we.
the refinery's are cutting back production to keep making money they are opperating at many location at less then 80% capacity. There is an over supply of crude.

also much of the gas on the east coast is made from North Sea or Middle east oil what is bring 7-10 dollars more a barrel on the European markets.

Just wait. With all the cut back of crude supply, ';They stopped drilling in oil country';. when the economy picks up there will be a shortage of oil we will see $5.00 gas again. I expect that in the next 12 months
Oil companies are purposefully manipulating the supply by reducing amount of oil that is refined into gasoline, so they can charge more for the gasoline that is refined and sold.

It's modern day price fixing and profiteering.
The fix is in, the palms have been greased (in the form of ';campaign contributions';) and the elected have been sworn in. The elected officials will now proceed to do nothing because you don't bite the hand that feeds you. The votes don't count; they'll swallow anything.
It started to go up in price when the Dem leadership in congress said that they will put back the bans on drilling in the outer shelf. Remember when Bush said that we where going to start drilling out there oil prices plummeted.

Remember Change to believe in
Limiting production tends to drive up the cost on a barrel of oil. However the price is still falling even with production cut back. The price you are paying for fuel here now is completely being done here on our soil. Meaning only one thing.
Part of the hike is the environmentalists requiring change in blends for the spring season, the rest is the refineries are limiting production due to demand.
Wow, did you know that it costs Saudi Arabia $2 to produce a barrel of oil, and they are selling it to us for $37 a barrel!
Obama won, it's his turn to get rich at our expense.

Change you can believe in, the price of gas, changing for the worst.
I think they are running out of explanations. You will pay what they ask, don't worry about those crazy complicated things that control the price.
The Honey moon is over. You didn't expect the price of food to go down too, did you?
The refineries are limiting production to keep the prices up
Refineries have cut back on production....
there was a reduction in production
and this happens on obama's watch!!!
hey! i finally get to say it!! IT'S OBAMA'S FAULT!!!!!

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