Some please tell me.
Thank you in advance.What is Obama's plan to lower the prices of gas and oil?
Investing in alternative energy. The price of oil has dropped because consumption has been reduced. Cause and effect.What is Obama's plan to lower the prices of gas and oil?
1-To increase short term production of our domestic oil production ( This will cut into the price of a barrel of gas while we develop new avenues to break our oil dependancy)
2- As we use our natural resources from off shore drilling, we will develop, explore and expand our natural gas reserves
3- Increase the production of wind and solar so that we can transfer Natural gas and Coal Products to the use for Vehicles ( According to the plan that he has adopted we can replace 30% of our energy needs by using wind and solar and transferring the natural gas we now use into vehicles that can run off of it)
4-Develop 1 million vehicles that can be driven on Natural gas and alternative fuels
This isn't the full plan but the stock of what he will do. He has agreed to offshore drilling only if it is used as the gateway to alleviate our dependency on foreign oil and results in aggressive development to create other fuel sources that will result in the US being independent for its energy resources.
Neither candidate will lower prices of gas and oil. Although Obama does want to go after the speculators, which may have some effect.
Drilling will increase the amount of oil/gas that the US produces, but won't have an impact on the price. 5-7 years from now, when the oil from the new drilling hits the market, world demand will be higher.
However, McCain has never been supportive (based on his voting records) of alternative energy and has actually voted against many bills that would increase fuel efficiency standards. He has not lead any legislation in his home state of Arizona, where I live, to get solar up and running either.
He will subsidise with bio fuels. Oh wait, if bio fuels were cheaper than our gas is now we would not need to subsidise them. So when the government has to subsidise alternative fuels, if you add the taxes etc. it will really cost you more.
Note: Investing money in this technology is good. It may allow use to prevent future price increases being as much. However, it will not lower the price.
It's not gonna happen, nobody can, unless we nuke Saudi Arabia and take over their oil fields. Obama is promising more fuel efficiency standards on automakers and giving them assistance to make it happen, as well as increasing our use of wind and solar power so that we can start switching over to plug in hybrids.
i believe i heard him say he was happy when gas was high (back at 4.00+), but he wished it would have happened slower. sounds like nothing to me.
here's his plan: get gas up to where ';alternatives'; can compete. seems to fit the whole democrat mantra of bringing the top down instead of lifting the bottom up.
heres why:
obama supports something called the ';Windfall tax';
where we tax oil companies WAY PAST THE BILLION MARK so each family in america get $1000
and u cant take away a companies money with out sacrifice ;-)
dont believe me?
go to his campaign page
then go to issues (at the top of the page)
then economy :)
well apparently this isnt the first time someone wanted to do tht!
the white line is oil company profit
the dark blue is fuel taxes
the grey is corporate taxes
and light blue is the plan obama wants (the tallest part of the graph at around 1980)
if ure to lazy to click the link, ill explain it.
basicly there is this HUGE INCREASE IN GAS COST and the reason for that is the ';Windfall Tax';
i looked upp who the president was at the time of that blue mountain
jimmy carter was the president during that time and he tryed this ';windfall'; tax.
if you look at the chart on that website i sent you, the peak of the cost of gas was around 1980-1981 because of the windfall tax Jimmy supported. as a matter of fact, that was the highest its ever gotten.
when carter lost his second election to Ronald Reagan the cost of gas went down. DRAMATICLY!
jimmys a democrat! like obama lol
obama wants to do the same thing Jimmy did.
thats not my kind of change.
ALL companies NEED gasoline to ship their products.
not to mention working people too.
so if gas prices go up, the companies are gunna have to make up for the cost in gas.
specially air travel is gunna cost ALOT more. commercial, private, and shipping!
so companies are either:
gunna make their product
COST MORE (if u look at the chart, thats EXACTLY what happends)
fire people
or lower wages.
and Obama is going to cause that to happen AGAIN! its the SAME Winfall tax Carter did. thats NOT CHANGE
and if u think government can control gas prices your DEAD WRONG.
the federal government taxes each gallon of gas 18 cents.
(cant forget state taxes as well) asp
and not to mention 76% of what everyone pays at the pump is actually for the PRODUCTION of our gas.
if the government makes the companies lower their cost of gas they would bankrupt.
its unconstitutional if the government tries to force how much a company sells their product for
want someone to tell u u can only sell lemonade for 25 cents a cup??
want cheaper gasoline?
vote mccain :)
He can support and pass legislation that outlaws the kind of speculation that is at the root of these price increases .
S%26amp;D is not the problem %26gt;speculation is.
Create a special ';Tire Pressure Czar'; to enlist the help of millions of ';Environmentally Enlightened'; children to rat on their parents if their tires are underinflated.
as Bill O Riley said buck shot and hope. He want to research We want Answers now our family needs gas now that we can afford
And isn't he being selfish if he actually has an answer and is trying to black mail us into electing him to get it?
Let's start with cadaver MCcain..
Obama sucks.
more taxes
Same as everything else, diplomacy.
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