Don't they want to destroy our industries and de-claw our economic strength? Don't they despise that we consume the resources since we've been so effective at working hard to take care of our people.Are liberal whackos like Gore/Obama/Reid/Pelosi counting on high oil prices to enact their whacko agenda?
Absolutely they are. Why hasn't the democratically controlled congress voted on the bill to lift the drilling ban? Because they want americans to live in fear of high gas prices until they get their boy in the white house. Look at the global warming myth that it's decimating our planet? Another fear tactic.
And before someone else attacks me on the global warming comment - I believe it is occuring but I believe that liberals are inflaming it stating we're causing it - and that is a myth. Ask any geologist and he/she will tell you its cyclical.Are liberal whackos like Gore/Obama/Reid/Pelosi counting on high oil prices to enact their whacko agenda?
Gee, Rush.....what's a 'whacko'??
It's apparent you've been spoon-fed too much political Pabulum by America's #1 purveyor of hatred, bias, bigotry and political prejudice.
';....we consume the resources since we've been so effective at working hard to take care of our people...';???
We consume 55% of the world's resources, even though we represent only 5% of the world's population. Rampant arrogance, ignorance, avarice, sloth, and hubris have set in to destroy our industries and 'de-claw' our economic strength. We wouldn't be in our current set of economic circumstances had it not been for the selfishness of banks, mortgage brokers, hedge fund operators, oil industry executives, stock market players, war-mongers, corporate greedheads and wealthy elitists, industrialists, oil barons and power brokers who only want to become wealthier and more powerful.....all aided and abetted by a sloppy, incompetent, aberrant, capricious administration led by a village idiot with a history of consistent failure at anything he attempted in his wanton life. -RKO- 07/29/08
No, the Neo-Con hacks are trying to keep prices up to keep profits flowing into business pockets.
Ask yourself this: Why did the Republicans block the Democrat-sponsored bills in Congress last week that would have returned the off-shore drilling call to the States and opened up the ANWR?
Answer: Simple, they couldn't stomach the conditions, such as keeping Alaskan oil for domestic use instead of exporting much of it to Japan as they do now OR closing the ';Enron Loophole'; that is responsible for about 25% of the current price increases, OR the ';Use or Lose'; conditions on all existing and new Federal oil leases that would block the oil companies from squatting on them to drive up prices and profits.
Those aren't our industries, those are Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Venezuala, etc.'s industries. Renewable resources can completely belong to us and we can build a new industry and create tons of jobs by developing and researching them. The only ones who should be scared are the ones who are making the record profits in the oil companies.
Liberal Whackos!?
Such misinformed ';hate speech'; sounds like the mindset from last Sunday's church shooter. Maybe 'Mullah Limbaugh ', et al, have provided you an improper means to vent such anger...
They don't want prices to come down til after BO is elected so they can take ALL the credit for it.
I thought the only problem was the economy getting drunk.
More hysteria?
No they want no such thing.
Do you have these baseless nightmares often?
Aw come on! You coulda worked Whacko into that at least 3 more times.
Whoah there....Didn't I meet you last time I was in Knoxville?
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