Friday, July 23, 2010

Are oil companies lowering gas prices so that people vote McCain so they don't get heavily taxed by Obama?

Are oil companies scared of obama so they lowering there gas prices before the election to make it look like republican's are fixing things?

And are they going to raise them backup right after the election to fool americans?Are oil companies lowering gas prices so that people vote McCain so they don't get heavily taxed by Obama?
Thats a safe bet, also if Obama get elected I bet alot of the oil execs are gonna be pissed because they wont have a member of their company in the white house. Are oil companies lowering gas prices so that people vote McCain so they don't get heavily taxed by Obama?
This opinion is not of the email 0f the person signed on.

1st, lets stop attacking the 2 politicians. The oil prices are based on several items. The world markets, skeptics, the producers of the oil and how America is looked at in the world. Supply and demand - if we want the oil then we pay for it, however we get a lot oil from Venezuela, which does not like the U. S. (CIT-GO). For the skeptics, Wall street plays too large of a role with buying and selling. Now as far as the government is involved the Democrats have been in charge of Congress for a while now, the President is not, so to say it is based on the vote next month is very near sighted. The real answer is to stop buying the oil, produce our own fuel, there are many other choices, build cars that will get double or more the mileage per gallon, but why, then the car companies loose money also. This is a vicious cycle that only the wealthy and greedy will ever win unless the world just ends.
Prices are lower because demand is down. People are driving less and carpooling more. We're in an economic slump that has been felt in the construction industry, which means a decrease in demand for gas to fuel workers' trucks and those big earthmovers. It's fall, so the landscapers aren't out cutting grass every day. Many people have sold their lower-MPG cars and are driving higher-MPG vehicles. The economy is in turmoil, so people can't afford to take ';driving'; vacations...or even to go to the mall or to restaurants, etc., which translates to less driving and therefore less gas consumption.

Supply and demand, people. When demand goes down, prices go down.
that's conspiracy theorist of you. come on, oil is a commodity traded on the open market on the futures market. much has to do with the buyer's perception of future demand.

you also know that most of our oil ($700B) comes from overseas with government controlled production entities from saudia arabia, venezuela, russia. are they conspiring together to elect mccain? nah, venezuela would like obama to win i think.
yes and no. the oil companies are scared that mccain is going to win because he wants to drill off shore, and then all the oil companies are going to be out of business. so they are trying to get rid of their oil so that they wont have extra in case if mccain wins. now if obama wins, then they are just going to strike up the prices again.
If Obama wins and taxes the oil companies like he says he will, they will pass the cost on to you and I. The reason the gas prices are coming down is the price of crude is dropping. Keep in mind the oil companies don't set the price on that... speculators on Wall Street do.
Possibly, but the price of gas is not nearly so important now with the rest of the financial disasters looming.

The repubs talk about how tax cuts always stimulate the economy and give us more jobs.

Well, GW has cut taxes by quite a bit. How many jobs has he created? How's that economy going??
No, gas prices are lowering because the state of the economy has most Americans conserving their money and therefore driving less.

When demand goes down and supply couldn't change fast enough to meet it, the price drops.
You're missing the point. American oil companies have zero control over the price of oil. Excluding OPEC, it is the most competitive market in the world for suppliers.
No. Prices are a function of supply, demand and speculation.

Taxes are always passed on to the customer.

Corporations don't pay taxes. People pay taxes.
Ridiculous question. The oil market is world wide and the U S is maybe about 15% of that market. The huge majority of the world does not care if McCAin wins or loses and there s no connection to the law of supply and demand. geeeez
Happens every election. Oil companies raise the prices two months before the election and lowers it right before the election.
The gas prices are lower because demand has fallen globally. It's the economic slow down that's doing it not the oil companies. The price of crude has fallen dramatically.
BINGO. Even Saudi Arabia announced that it will cut production by a million and a half barrels. . . . After the election.
No they are lowering prices because people were begining not to spend money on anything.

Buy lowering gas prices it get people out burning gas and spending money.
No, they are not scared of higher taxes. They are scare that Obama is dedicated to encouraging alternative energies and getting off the oil lobbyists' breast.
The concept of SUPPLY and DEMAND a little too tough for ya ?

Maybe it has something to do with the fact oil is at less than $70 a barrel.

I don't think this election has anything to do with oil prices. I think it has to do with a perceived reduction in demand.
Obama will not heavily tax everything. Maybe he'll slightly put it up a 1% or something. Big deal. I think a tax increase is better than having an old, senile man trying to run the country.
Oil prices are tied up in stock markets so they aren't going to raise anything until being start going back to the stock market.
No Obama Obama Tell yo mama to vote for Obama Obama is my homeboy.
Absolutly not, geez, they are actually producing less to raise the price again because the barrel is worth alot less than it was even two weeks ago, ITS CALLED SUPPLY AND DEMAND
WTF??? I really hope you're some guy trying to make liberals look stupid or something by pretending to be one - I really don't hope anyone can be THAT stupid!
your knowledge of the global economy is only trumped by your handle of the English language and run on sentences.
Hopefully they can keep it like this. Idaho is still one of the highest gas prices states though. I don't really understand what's going on here! We're a red state though, so McCain has our vote!
Well yes they are afraid of living in a socialist Obamanation.
Yeah it's one big conspiracy.
Are you in your closet with foil on your head?

You don't really understand business and world markets ya...!

I kinda thought that the price of oil was controlled by world markets and that even the Chinese are paying $65 / bbl.

Want to see a real conspiracy?

Look at the media

Tell me if you can find stories that talk about:

Biden's plagiarism.

Obama's drug use.

Obama's cigarette smoking.

Obama's Resco scandal.

Obama's donation scandal

See if you find Obama crucified by Katy Couric

See if you find inquiries into Obamas leadership experience.

See if you find an expose on the front gun owners group (really a gun ban group) that Obama aligned himself with.

Find a story into Obama's ';missing years';

Did the media tell you that Obama sat under Pastor Wright for 20 YEARS!?

Let's get Charlie Gibson to cross examine Biden.

Let's hear about all the sign stealing committed by Obama supporters.

Let's hear about how Barry graduated DEAD LAST.

Let's see what Barry's impoverished half brother is up to.


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