I will help lower careless useage and pollution.I tink oil prices SHOULD get to 10.00 per gallon. Do you agree?
While not being precise on a price (ie here: $10 a gallon), I do belive the price of oil has artificially been kept low for years and years, in order to arrange many parties, like the USA for their lifestyle and foreign policy, some oil-producing countries for them to develop their infrastructures and establish their oligarchy while still getting rich, and the ultra rich class in general.
Oil price should keep climbing up in the coming years. Other forms of energy are much more efficient, overall and this should be reflected in the price. If we invested as much money in alternative energy R%26amp;D as we do in oil R%26amp;D, the problem would be solved.
But the Market will eventually get there, thanks to its nature of always going where it's cheaper and most profitable, and oil will soon be on a par with other forms of energy.
We're in dire need of a scientific breakthrough, like were the telephone or the Internet, the steam engine and the railroad system, control of electricity and the transistor. These all changed our societies and way of life in a fundamental manner, and it's time to do it again soon on the energy level.
Let's tell our governments to inject more money on this type of research, and to encourage the private sector to do so by adopting policies that will encourage it even more.
-ChrisLI tink oil prices SHOULD get to 10.00 per gallon. Do you agree?
Unbelievable...Do you live on an island somewhere and grow your own food? What a disaster $ 10. per gallon gas would be right now. Do you understand economics at all??? I agree we should start concentrating on other sources of energy, but talk to Congress, they are the ones standing in the way of all progress on that one. I lived thru the last mess with Nixon and Carter..they have been talking about this problem going on forty years...still nothing is done...there are laws against every bit of progress that is proposed. Tell congress to get out of the way!!! Drill here, start letting companys get thru all the red tape the politicians have put in their way...find new proven energy sources that will eventually get us back on track. Don't listen to all the blustering, hot winded politicians telling us if we drill here it will take sooooo many years to get results..We have to start somewhere...the latest projection is 2 years, and that is coming from the oil companies. Meanwhile we can let companies do what they do best...compete with each other to see who can come up with the best solution on energy. Get the government out of the picture!!!
How the hell do you think it will LOWER 'careless' useage.
In my opinion, gas is not used carelessly. Every fricken time I fill up my tank, I don't want to. I don't think ANYONE carelessly used gas. It is over 4 bucks now...at least where I live...and I don't think that anyone would want to fill up their tank when gas is 10 bucks. But, you sort of do have a point...about the pollution part of your question. I do think that if gas/oil prices where to get that high (which they almost are overseas in the U.K.) that most American's would not drive as much, and would start to use more community transportaion such as busses. But think about this, if gas was at 10 dollars a gallon, don't you think that most people would still pay for gas? I mean, the American econmeny and technology is booming right now, and everything is growing and most people are working far away from home. So my point is that most poeple would still pay 10 dollars because they don't want allternatives and they just want to get somewhere. Most American's are lazy...that's MY opinion. So they will just fork over the cash in order to get what THEY want to get done. Yes, I know I am getting off track, but I think that more rather than less American's will still pay for they 10 dollar a gallon gas. But in conclusion, I do think that it will lower pollution, but not 'careless' ussage. Fantastic question by the way.
Why is it that those who want an increase in petrol prices live insular sad lives, never travel, never see anyone beyond their little village walls. Sorry, but I live in the 21st Century and i'm not going back to some sort of horrific medeival lifestyle.. you'll want to burn any outsiders at the stake next.. sad.
No I do not. It will not lower consumption and usage and pollution. People will drive no matter what the price. You really need to re-think your position. People need to buy cars that use less fuel, that would help, pollution, public transport is huge pollter as are businesses. Re check your facts
i understand what you mean, but first of all there are so many negatives to $10.00 per gallon gas... the biggest one of all.. the entire economy will collapse.. so much of our economy is based on gas.. if gas goes to 10 bucks and nobody buys it.. then stocks will crash.. companies would have to file bankruptcy.. people will loose so much money.. and the country will greatly suffer.. we alrdy have problems with the real estate business and then the oil business too... we dont want to go into another depression now do we..?
Yes and we can convert our food into fuel and burn that in our cars. People will starve and that will help reduce over population which is destroying the planet.
Absolutely! Then mother earth would be saved cause people would stop using poisonous resources!
Wake Up!! If every car and truck stopped running right now it would not stop the global warming problem.
You want world economic collapse?
Not for at least 2 years
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