No, Obama is not planning to bring the oil prices down.
When Obama was recently asked what he would do about oil prices, Obama noted that the price rise has been very sudden .
Barack Obama said that he wished that the price rise had been more gradual so that people would have had more time to adjust to the higher prices.
What a load of BS!!!!!
This clown is campaigning that he is going to do wonderful things and make wonderful changes for working people, yet he has no intention of doing the things that he could do to increase the supply and force the prices down.
Many people naievely say that the President cannot force the price of gasoline down.
Those people do not understand basic economics. When the supply of a commodity is increased the price decreases.
The President can increase supply by opening government owned land that has been off limits to oil drilling in the past.
This will result in a substantial increase in the supply of oil being produced in the United States of America.
For example, Charles Schumer estimated that if we had an additional supply of one million barrels per day of oil, that would cut the price of gasoline by at least 50 cents per gallon.
Barack Obama could open tracts of land that have been off limits to oil drilling with just an executive order.
If those tracts of land also had producing oil wells we could add more that one million barrelas of oil per day to the supply.
That act alone, an executive order opening land to oil drilling that had bee previously off limits will reduce gasoline prices considerably.
Also for the people who say that specualtors are the cause of the rise in gasoline prices, the way that you break the speculatiors is to increase the supply.
The speculators only hoard oil is the price is going up because they will be able to sell the same oil later for more money.
Hoever the opposite happens when you start drilling and increasing the supply the specualtors see the price of oil going down. they sell their oil now before the price goes down further and they have to accept even less for their oil. The increased supply from specualtors dumping oil forces the prices down even further.
The people who self righteously say ';Wake up People Cut back'; are slobbering idiots who either do not know what they are talking about or do not care about American Families.
People have to drive to work, take the kids to school and soccer practice and feed and clothe their families.
How in the world are they going to cut back on their driving? They have to get to work. They have to take their kids to school.
If the cut our soccer practice they could cut out that driving, however soccer practice is a worthwhile activity. We should not be cutting out worthwhile activities to save gasoline.
Instead a decent President will increase the amount of land open to oil drilling so that the supply of oil can be increased.
However there is one dirty little secret about Barack Obama that most people do not know.
The dirty little secret is that Barack Obama is a member of the radical extreme left.
Barack Obama does not want to reduce gasoline prices, the radical extreme left wants higher gasoline prices to force you out of your car and out of your suburban home and into a high density high rise squirrel cage.
the reason is that the radical extreme left hates us. the radical extreme left sees our houses with yards as urban sprawl.
the radical extreme left does not think that we should have homes with yards where children can play.
In fact the radical extreme left does not think that we should be able to have children at all.
the radical extreme left thinks that there are too many of us already.
that is the change that Barack Obama plans to bring to you if he is elected.
Barack Obama is not a true member of the Democratic Party.
People remember the Democratic Party of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and they remember that Franklin Delano Roosevelt amde it his goal to make certain that we all had cheap abundant supplies of energy, food and housing.
Many people naievely think that because Barack Obama has chosen to register with the Democratic Party that he shares those ideals with the Democratic Party.
Nothing coule be further from the truth.
The change that Barack Obama will bring to you is not change that you will like.Do you now obama麓s plan to to bring the oil prices down?...his teleprompter have any idea?
The Democratic Comprehensive Energy Plan To Lower Gasoline Prices
This is how we will do it. And this why we will do it.
This country has so much under used industrial capacity in our
Auto Plants, Airplane Plants, Steel Plants and Electronics Plants to
make America Energy Independent in 2 to 5 years. We can build enough
windmills and solar power and wave generation energy plants to
replace 90% of all of the electricity generated by COAL and NATURAL
GAS and reduce US CO2 emmissions by at least 25%.
For $400 Billion we could build 400,000 windmills and provide
electricity for every home in America .
The Coal and Natural Gas saved by Green Replaceable Elecrrical
Generation can now be used to make fuel for cars, trucks, busses,
boats and airplanes, and or plastics, chemicals, fertilizers and
We need a comprehensive plan that puts America back to work in
endeavors that benefit 99% of America.
Howard Scott Pearlman
Tony Mullen
A President can't bring down oil prices, just doesn't happen that way, doesn't make a difference if you are Republican or Democrat! With India and China consuming more and more, it has been and will continue to be a supply and demand issue, and the price being set by OPEC. The problem is that most people do not understand supply and demand economics and what the structure is of the cost of gas per gallon. Do you know that we are using more oil now than EVER before! People are driving at an alarming rate. Do you realize how much petroleum鈥檚 used in making plastics and then how many things we use are made of plastics? The oil company makes about 12 cents a gallon as profit. The rest is made up of Federal and State taxes, the cost of exploration and the cost of production, Refining and then the cost of the additives that we have to put in the gas (we call it designer gas, thanks to the environmentalist wacko's). Do you know that we have not built a refinery in almost 60 years? (thanks again environmentalist). The refineries that we have are working at capacity and that is not enough to keep up with demand. Do you know that we hardly get any oil from the Middle East? Yes we are not in Iraq for oil, they have enough to export but not as much as you think. Even iran imports most of their oil. Most people think that is where it all comes from. Not true. We get our oil form Canada, Mexico, Venezuela and Africa, in that order. What we get from Saudi is a very small %. You want the cost of gas to drop....STOP driving or at the very least cut back 10% and you'll see gas prices drop. In addition to that we need to open up the ANWR for drilling and off our coasts and the Gulf, as well as exploit the new found pools in the Wyoming Range (thanks again environmentalist) OR come up with an alternate fuel. Even if you had a viable economic alternative fuel source, the production and the distribution of it is decades away. Wake up people, cut back!
Hmmmm I wonder if McCains teleprompter has any answers.
The president cannot lower oil prices. The weak value of the dollar is making oil more expensive for foreign traders. Also these damn speculators who keep buying and dumping are driving up the prices.
Opec is not the reason of high oil prices. Speculators are.
Whether McCain or Obama wins, they both need to work very hard to get the US off being dependent on others for their energy needs. Obama seems to be one of the few who is willing to do that. McCain's proposal was to suspend the Federal Tax on gas throughout the summer which will save you less than $30 but also costs the jobs of thousands of people as that tax money is used to fund road and highway projects.
No knows any of his plans, he has defined very few and the ones he has, he has since changed his stance on so i think that is the million dollar question what are his views, no one can answer that, this guy is a complete idiot
oldmarin is a gasbag the deal is the current administration is working hard with opec to keep us gas prices high bush is an oil guy right? why can we go to mexico and pay $2.50 ?
pinions expressed by Andy Martin on this site are solely the opinion of Andy Martin . Political Gateway tries to bring input from all sides of the political arena to allow free and open discourse on a range of subjects.
Barack Obama exposed as a charlatan
For Webmasters rss 2.0
Category: Political Commentary - Moderate
Posted Mon Jan 29,2007 3:51 AM Last Edited:
(CHICAGO)(January 28, 2007) When Barack Hussein Obama was born he was given a Muslim name, identical to that of his father and grandfather. His mother married two (2) Muslims, Barry's father and a second Muslim who brought her and Barry to Indonesia. In Indonesia, Obama's parents identified him as a Muslim, and he studied Islam. All of these are facts on which no one disagrees and everyone agrees.
So why the media frenzy to cover-up Obama's Muslim heritage?
I broke the Obama/Muslim story 2-1/2 years ago. Obama had indeed casually mentioned his Muslim contacts, but he had carefully avoided any details. I was troubled and intrigued by the lack of specificity in his explanations. I launched an international investigation.
And, as I told a reporter for the New York Times who contacted me last week, we are still actively pursuing the ';Obama's religion'; story and will have more during ';Obama Week,'; which we have planned for February 5th.
As someone who is known worldwide as a friend of Muslims, as well as Christians and Jews, and has been identified on conservative web sites as a Muslim supporter, I bore Mr. Obama no animus, and bear him none today.
Others picked up on my research. No doubt Hillary Clinton used my reporting as a starting point. My disclosures of Obama's fabricated past have been an outstanding piece of investigative journalism because all of the facts I reported 2 years ago have eventually either been confirmed or conceded.
So why the frenzied attacks on reports concerning factual information about Obama's religion?
The webzine Insight referred to Obama's Jakarta school as a ';madrassa.'; What is known is that Obama's stepfather was a Muslim, and that he removed the child from a Catholic school and placed him in an institution where Islam was part of the curriculum. Insight's use of the word ';madrassa'; was probably overstated; I had never used that term in my writing (except in quotation marks) and I have been careful not to. Nevertheless, although I had no direct contact with Insight, the facts of their story were substantially true.
How can the Chicago Tribune then call the issue of Obama's Muslim background the ';Anatomy of a False Story?'; Jake Tapper of ABC referred to the Obama's story as a ';fuss'; over an ';ordinary'; school. Ordinary, perhaps, by Muslim/Indonesian school standards but not ordinary at all by ordinary main street education in the United States. Liberal lapdog Jonathan Alter at Newsweek called the ';madrassa'; story a ';hoax.'; Monday, January 29th, the Times reporter who contacted me has a story calling Insight's Obama reporting ';false.'; What's false?
The only ';hoax'; in all of this has been the way the ';mainstream media'; have been trying to tamp down any coverage of Obama's religion. They will not succeed.
The lowest blow was struck Sunday by the Washington Post of Watergate fame. Somewhere, Richard Nixon must be smiling.
The Post called reports on Obama's religion ';juvenile,'; ';scurrilous'; and ';contemptible.'; The Obama reporting was none of those. Maybe the real motivation for the Post's hysteria was that the paper was badly beaten on this story, as was the rest of the mucky muck media establishment.
I don鈥檛 find it at all suspicious that someone in Hillary Clinton's camp could have leaked the Obama story. Thanks, Hillary. Indeed, it was probably the imprimatur of legitimacy conferred by Clinton's negative research that finally ignited the hothouse reporting.
The Post was incorrect in stating, ';Mr. Obama has never tried to hide his past or his family name.'; That鈥檚 a real hoax and a real media lie by the Post itself. Obama has done everything he can to craft a fictional reality for himself on national television. Never in recent American politics has there been such a spurious, self-invented ';Music Man'; candidate who literally conjured up most of his family history.
And Obama continues to dish lies at every opportunity (of which we will have more to say in later columns). Suffice it to say as early as 2004 I disclosed based on our original research in Kenya that Obama's presentation of his family history was somewhere between grossly disingenuous and a complete fiction. Obama came from Kenya's black colonial aristocracy and any livestock held by his family was a sign of wealth, not poverty. How's that for Barry flipping the truth, and the media sucking it up? Baaaaa.
Over and over again Obama has distorted and invented his family history. It is disgraceful. It prompted us to begin a CIA-style psychological profile of this deeply disturbed public figure that will be released during Obama Week.
In the meantime, the Washington Post, Chicago Tribune and lefties such as Mr. Alter love it and lap it up as Obama hides his past in plain sight. Once again the media are being lapdogs. The Post suggested Barry's ';multicultural'; background was a plus. On the contrary, Obama's complete and continuing confusion about his ';culture'; is what makes some people view him as a ';Manchurian Candidate.';
The Washington Post created the modern era of investigative journalism (although I was a skilled investigator long before Watergate). Now the Post says, imperiously, ';If we say it's investigation its investigation, and if we say it's scurrilous its not investigation.'; But facts are facts.
And they wonder why people don't trust the mainstream media. The only contemptible aspect of this entire Obama controversy鈥?which is not going away--is the outrageous behavior of newspapers.
Way back in 1978 I broke a story on my then-Opponent Alex Seith, who was preening over his morality but was scheduled to be a character witness for a Chicago Crime Syndicate hoodlum. I still remember the surprise on the reporter's face. He said ';How did you discover that; it's our job.'; I had used plain, old investigative journalism. (Full disclosure: I also hold a law degree from the University of Illinois and one thing good lawyers are taught to do is investigate, investigate, investigate. My primary training in investigation has come out of law and government, not working for a newspaper.)
For shame, Washington Post. You tarnish your own legacy of Watergate fame when you seek to ';take down'; people who are forcing Barry or Barack Obama to slowly and grudgingly tell the truth about his past.
Bottom line: Barry Obama is still living in a dream world and still lying about his family history and his religious history. And no one, not anyone, is likely to stop the people of this country from being given access to basic facts before they are called to vote on the suitability of this master con artist for national office.
If you wonder why the print media and particularly newspapers cry they have no future, look at the way they have tried to cover-up Obama's life and the way they have sought to excoriate anyone telling the truth. Who wants to pay to read a pack of lies?
President Nixon, at least they don鈥檛 have you to kick around any more.
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