Friday, July 30, 2010

Are the oil companies still manipulating gas prices down to help the GOP?

that's what was said BEFORE the election. Jimmy Carter even said it, but the election is OVER and gas prices and oil prices are still dropping!

Why isn't big oil forcing the prices back up since they set the prices at will (according to liberals)?Are the oil companies still manipulating gas prices down to help the GOP?
The answer is liberals want high gas prices. Their theory is that as long as gas is cheap we will not develop alternative fuels. They want gas above $5.00 per gallon to force us off gasoline. That's why they will fight to their last breathe to prevent new drilling and refineries.Are the oil companies still manipulating gas prices down to help the GOP?
Have you had an economics class or learned anything about supply and demand? The GOP, the President, the election, etc. have very little if nothing to do with the oil prices going up or down. They certainly can't dictate it at their whim...that's just silly.

There are several reasons why the oil traders are demanding premium prices on oil these days. One of them is that the areas where most of the known oil reserves such as the middle east, Russia, Indonesia, etc. are politically unstable. The main reason however for rising prices is because of the surge in global consumption. An increase in the demand for oil causes prices to go up and vice versa. There are lots of factors to the link, it is very informative.
In case you haven't noticed the Republicans lost. The answer is no. Gas prices are dropping based on two factors which are both related to economic conditions. The first is that speculators have been dumping their oil stocks which has caused the price per barrel to drop below a two year low. The second is that supply remains stable, but demand has reduced. No conspiracies here just simple explainable economic conditions at work. If anything the price per gallon is still higher than it should be based on the price per barrel and demand arguments.

Edit: I got the sarcasm. However, there are people who actually believe these things. It is not good to reinforce false perceptions even for sarcastic value. So I posted the right information for those who might be so inclined to examine the situation rationally.

Cantu: Opec has tried this twice in the last couple of months (cutting production). It has not produced the result they desire. OPEC can only cut production so low before it seriously effects their bottom line and in essence becomes a case of cutting their own throats. However, the United States does not get the majority of it's oil from OPEC sources so it may not produce any effect at all in the American markets.
They will go back up, especially since OPEC cut their production by 1/2 Million barrels a day, thanks to the oil industry. They will go back up, just like they did in 2000, 2004, and 2006!

Let me guess, we will have another oil shortage soon! The last one was an artificial one created by the oil companies in order to get drilling rights off shore, which they are going to be limited now!

Also, you must remember that this economy, and the world economy, has not been like this for almost 100 years! NO ONE knows what is going to happen! No One!
No case you have not noticed the major oil companies are pissed because there seems to be a lack of customers. They have no choice but to drop the prices not to mention the stock market problems. I wonder if this was the Democrats plans all along in order to lower gas prices Genius idea Crash the markets to lower gas wow I applaud that party what a great idea. Yea I would rather have paid the price and had a healthy stock market then lower prices and headed for a depression.
No of course not it's because they know no one will be able to afford it under the next presidency. Look at the stock market since the messiah was named winner. Jimmy Carter and the oil companies go waaaay back, whadda goon.
You are a Capitalist poophead.

You explain it to us.

I don't know.

TV say investors are still skittish.

If you can invest... You have ripped some poor soul off somewhere in the process.

An honest person has NO money.

IF (and I stress ';if';) the lowering of gas prices is part of some sort of collusion by oil companies to aid the GOP then it would make more sense to raise them some time after Obama actually takes office.
Obama and Pelosi lied to them and they believed it. They're just not going to admit it.
Well I don't think so. Democrates have control. The demand has gone down that is why, and Clintons no off shore drill law has ended
ooohhhh..Jimmy Carter said it..REAL credibility there. Obama's his bastard child.
Nope, demand is down because of Bush's recession/depression.
The concept of Supply and Demand a little too tough to grasp?
I'm guessing you failed Economics in school?
Ask again in a couple of weeks...

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