You goofs keep saying it will take ten years. So what? We'll need it really bad by then. Also if the republicans or democrats would have started it 10 years ago, oil might only be 100 bucks rather than 130 bucks.In ten years what will gas prices be without oil from anwr?
if we pour are money and talent into developing renewable energy then in ten we won't get a rat's behind what the price of that limited, dead resource is. what could be better to halt terrorism than to stop buying the only resource that they have, oil?In ten years what will gas prices be without oil from anwr?
I agree we should have drilled in anwr, but I truly hope that in 10 years gas will be getting about $5 a barrel and some scientific breakthrough will have everyone using some other energy source (Hydrogen?) Chavez, Putin, Ahmedinejad and the Saudis would be in for interesting times...
You may say I'm a dreamer, etc.
If ANWAR was tapped in the past...making oil cheaper then..gas would be more expensive today. Cheap oil would have further spurred industrialization of China and India and more people would be drving large gas guzzlers.
Tap the oil as we need it...not as we want it.
I am for tapping ANWAR eventually....but not to trade it on the global market for India and Chian to buy up cheap.
There's not enough oil there to ease the so-called increase in demand.
That's why they're not destroying the wildlife refuge. Because destroying it will NOT solve the problem.
It wont matter, the Senate is voting on S2191 this week, which
will push energy cost through the roof
what is 'anwr'
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