Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Why won't democrats let us drill for our own oil and thus lower the price of gas?

They have to kiss the butts of eco weirdo wackos to keep the money flowin. plus the eco movement shares the agenda of reducing usa to a third world countryWhy won't democrats let us drill for our own oil and thus lower the price of gas?
Because it won't solve the problem. Drilling Alaska and other natural reserves may solve our problem temporarily, but it is not a permanent solution. We get too much oil from the OPEC countries and have too high of a demand (higher than any other country on earth, by the way) for our problem to be magically solved by drilling some other part of earth. Once those wells dry, all we will be left with is destroyed natural beauty that our children's children will not enjoy.

The best solution right now is for Americans to conserve oil and energy in practical ways in order to lower your own personal cost. The government needs to rev up public transportation in areas that are lacking (That's how Europe handles its even more insane gas prices). Stop driving three blocks down the street. Carpool to work or telecommute, if possible. Start biking or walking for errands. You'll save money AND be healthier. Eventually, an better alternative solution will come that will lower costs for everyone.Why won't democrats let us drill for our own oil and thus lower the price of gas?

Just 3 weeks ago the Oil CEO's admitted to congress that

-Demands were low

-supplies were up by almost 3%

-The US is already the #3 producer of oils in the world

-Oil Refineries are only operating at a 80% capacity... sometimes even at a 60% capacity

-Oils produced in the USA are as expensive as oils produce in the Middle East.......... The high gas price is at Wall Street

-It only cost $10 to make a barrel of oil... but trade for $130 on Wall Street
Well all of the answers posted so far are good ones, and I would add that the problem of high prices for gasoline ultimately is a result of the demand for crude oil, not supply. What people in the US need to do us reduce their need for petroleum based products, gasoline being the most obvious and highly consumed. Try driving less, walking more, using a bike, etc., car pooling, driving slower, accelerating more slowly, and combining trips.

That's a start to a very long process. But drilling for more oil won't solve the demand problem at all.
Because it would be years before that could be brought online, and because the better solution is renewable energy. The only ones who'll profit from offshore and Alaska drilling is the oil companies. The only way to bring gas prices down is to reduce the demand, and unless you're willing to get rid of your Hummer and ease your foot off the gas pedal, or better yet, make use of public transit, the price will just keep going up.
If you aren't brain washed as you name implies, than why are you buying into the corporatist propaganda?

There is plenty of land that is open to drilling. It hasn't been touched since 2006 when it was opened.

If a huge supply hits the market, guess what happens....that is right, not only does Big Oil's profit margin take a dive, but so would a few investers out of a New york City window.

Much better business decision to not drill there, and blame environmentalists for your record profits.
It won't lower the price of gas. The oil companies will still charge the ';world'; ( i.e. OPEC) rate. They'll just avoid the shipping costs of getting it here...and pocket that much more profit.

Regardless of what you've heard, there is a very small supply / demand element to the price of gasoline. It's a commodity that is traded and bet on, and price is set to that, not supply and demand.
Because they are controlled by a bunch of environmentalist whackos. They also have more power of the American people by controlling our oil supply. That's what they are about, just look at what Democrat Maxine Water said, ';this liberal is about socializing,';!!! That's all they are about, socialism and mroe governmental power.
This is not an answer but a comment!

I don't understand why other countries can drill off our US shores but the US won't! I understand that Canada is drilling 30 miles into Lake Erie and Cuba is drilling of the shore of Key West. It should be the US doing the drilling to help our country with the problem of lowering gas prices and taking care of its own backyard.
You mean in the several MILLION of acres currently leased to oil companies by the states, governments, and private entities, which are NOT being explored or drilled?

Check your facts - the oil companies have thousands of potential sites to which they have access in the US, and they are not using them.
We do drill a lot of oil here, but much of it gets sold overseas by the oil companies that drill it. For profit. Do you think that just because we let the greedy oil companies drill in the remaining reserves that they are going to just hand it over to us? If so, you are delusional.
The bad thing is that any new oil discoveries would take years to effect the market. If we had been able to create more refineries during the last 30 yrs the price of gas would be really low. However, anything done now wouldn't effect us for about another 5 yrs.
You're brainwashed.

Once the oil companies have gotten over $3 for a gallon of oil, it ain't EVER coming down again, Slim, even if we discover 100X the amount previously known, and in our own back yard.
As China and Cuba are drilling 60 miles off Florida's coast. They think a certain bug will go extinct, so all Americans have to suffer.

There is more oil in the Rockies than there is in the entire country of Saudi Arabia.
Ask junior why his brother Jeb asked him to limit drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and along the east coast of Floridah, and he then placed those areas off limits to drilling. Get your facts right.
Because it will not lower the price of gas. Their game is about profit not morals.

Mean while they affect the environment and keep other cheaper cleaner forms of energy from coming to market. Can't you see that?
It will be sold not used here. remember Alaska and the rhetoric about that oil. Rember the same SOBs running the oil companies are the same SOB's that will be drilling there. They are still SOB';s
Why won't Republicans withdraw the troops from Afghanistan and Iraq so that we can save 600 billion dollars a year and quit pissing off the Arabs so they will lower gas prices?
You can drill your own oil, nobody stops you! But you would miss very much messing up with arabs!
Probably because it won't lower the price of gas......and if it will take five years....and not really affect the price very much.
You aren't living up to your name very well.

Get over ANWR, not gonna happen. We need to diversify our energy supply.
Pretty land is more important than people's lives.
their scared we might hurt the ants........psshhh we need to be an independent from foreign oil...but oh my gosh if we would kill the ducks! their obviously more important then our children!
can we do it in your backyard?
Because the Democrats don't understand anything that is going on in the world. They probably believe that drilling in the gulf will kill fish and plant life. Much like how us drilling in Alaska will disturb the Caribou, yet the Alaskan governments wants us to drill, and it flourished the Caribou population.
Well it goes back to the environmental laws that they allowed the tree huggers to convince them to pass. Congress needs to grow a set of their own and start passing laws that make sense for America instead of for the spotted owl.

And if hey are religious then they need to remember that God gave man dominion over the animals of the earth.

Lets start drilling.
Because they stupid. They want the public to be solely dependent on the government. High gas prices falls right in line with their ultimate goal of Socialism.
They have got $ $ in their eyes. They accept money from environmental lobbyist to prevent it.
Drill for your own oil where?

Every oilfield in the States is already sucked dry.

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