I would like to read the cold hard facts you base your statement on.
I'm all for cheaper gas!Liberals how can you blame Bush for high oil prices?
Bush is to be blamed for high oil prices because his foreign policy, and his ';war'; in the middle east affects the economy. Just like his support of Israel right now in their campaign to destroy Lebanon (because the religious right wants Armageddon) is impacting the economy.
Oil prices will not go down by opening up public land to drilling because the oil companies regulate the price. If Exxon can afford to give one of their executives a $400 million dollar golden parachute (his retirement package), then something smells rotten.
It is the same reason for the war in Iraq. It was not about weapons of mass destruction or removing Saddam Hussein from power (Cause those informed people know that Iraq is a much worse place off today than it ever was under Saddam's regime) , it was about oil. We are dependant on oil.
The actions in the Middle East affects not only the price of oil, but it also affects the market in other aspects.
I suggest you wake up, open your eyes, and read about what is really going on in America, like the American citizens losing their freedoms.
The NSA is monitoring your calls and e-mails, the FBI wants every router manufacturer to put backdoors in every router, hub, and switch.
I suggest you read:
You are slowly having your rights chipped away, and most Americans do not even know it. I suggest you get out and read things for yourself and stop listening to republican propaganda. The unemployment rate is at it's highest, the economy is in the toilet, and we are borrowing and now owe China so much money (because Bush is acting like he has Chinese Visa credit card) that if they recall our debt we instantly go into recession.
Except for the energy rip-offs that cost billions of dollars to consumers, Bush has done his best to make all of America's air as yellow as Texas air.
I am sure that Mr. Bush thinks ';the smell of money'; as they say in Texas, is what a person should look forward to as you pass from the comfort of your air conditioned home to walk to the driveway to get into their air conditioned and armored Humvee.
So the oil companies making record profits to the tune of billions of dollars has nothing to do with high oil prices? It is all due to hippy liberals not wanting to drill on government land?
Right we have tons of oil. Cept we don't. Theres some in alaska but nobody knows how much is there. And because repukes don't care about ANYBODY except themselves...they'd have us destroy the land to get oil that might not even be in a quantity that would effect prices at all.
Why blame bush? It's his watch....carter got blamed for the mess in the 70's. And seriously...it's really interesting that oil (adjusted for inflation) is more expensive now then it was when there was no oil.
Supply and demand??? right....take one oil company CEO's bonus for the year and dump it into the market and watch the prices go down.
You don't seem to be paying attention....
Bush is and oil man, from an oil family. When the price of oil goes up, him and his family profits. You don't see him doing anything real to stop the rising prices do you, unless it actually helps the oil companies.
Where do you think he will get a job when he leaves office. Wake up!!
What is so hard to understand?
dkstringer.....Actually during the gas crisis of the 70's gas prices adjusted for inflation were over $6 a gallon.
The area in ANWAR that they want to drill on is an area the size of a small airport and about 2 people a year visit an area about half the size of Texas....hmmm yeah that's destroying the environment.
Offshore drilling....how many spills have the oil rigs in the Gulf had in the last 10 years....zero...that's right zero.....the only reason we can't drill is so some jackass liberals who own property won't have to see it out of their million dollar houses...NOT IN MY BACK YARD...but I will sure in hell blame the president for high gas prices.
I am with you 100%. Your statement is right on!!
Yep, absolutely true, libs just want something to complain about or they arent happy, when in reality they create most of the things they complain about. It is actually kind of funny.
i dont think imaginer realizes that presidents get paid even after they arent president anymore, Bush doesnt need to fall back on his income from oil when his ';job'; as president is over, it just happens to be part of his income.
i think republicans have controlled the congress since bush was elected....so what is your excuse now
While I agree with you up to a point, I also feel, as President bush said, we must find and develop different sources of fuel other than oil.
I agree with you. The lines are there turn them on.
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