Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Oil prices went up as crude oil prices went up. but now the crude oil is down but petrol is still costly!!!!!!?

please throw your answers, remember the oil giants are powerful!Oil prices went up as crude oil prices went up. but now the crude oil is down but petrol is still costly!!!!!!?
In the UK about 75% of petrol price is tax.

You are expected to be appreciative if you see a drop of one or 2 pence per liter as though this is some sort of blessing sent by the 'powers that be', while you are still struggling to make ends meet and support yourself and your family.

The politicians do not have a clue as to how detrimental it actually is to the entire economy when fuel prices are increased.

Any increase in fuel duty or price has a 'knock on effect' for all commodities.

So even though you see a couple of pence per liter increase at the pump on petrol (gas) price, every item that you buy in the stores also increases in price. This is such basic economic sense that it is completely absurd not to realize the impact that it has.

But then again, politicians are not generally known to have any sense at all.

The main reason that crude oil prices dropped was (from my understanding) that the US government gave the permission to do exploration and drilling in places previously protected. This caused the oil price to drop almost overnight even though no drilling had even began. This is how volatile the market is, and how the 'rip off' speculators have control over the market (in my opinion).

There is much more that I would like to ad, if any politician would actually have any common sense and would listen, but that is not ever going to happen.Oil prices went up as crude oil prices went up. but now the crude oil is down but petrol is still costly!!!!!!?
The price of the fuel we use is dictated to us by the oil giants themselves with the support of the government of each country. The Government's all receive a per centage tax per litre and will never have the nerve to step in and demand an answer to high prices, for by doing so they would reduce the amount they take in with those taxes. No Government would want to lose tax dollars at any cost and in saying that, they have rode high on the hog ever since this so called shortage/war/natural disasters/ hype started. Until the oil giants themselves control the economy we will be indebted to their price fixing schemes. Slaves to the greed of the business world who could care less about you or me.

It is a power and control game for them. The get the price up and then lower is down but not all the way, then they do it again. The oil companies profits this year will be incredible..

We will be paying for oil, we pay for rebuilding Iraq, we pay for bailing wall street out.

We get it all, no matter who is president.

The President wants to drill for American oil, and congress won麓t let him.. Americans will later on be buying American oil at some terrible prices and we will remain their financial slaves..

But the end of it is, we can do nothing. Neither Barak or McCain will be allowed to make any great changes. Big money and big oil control the situation

Try Jesus, he brings justice, hope, and salvation..
yes, it is.. and so are other commodities.. The rule is when oil costs high, all other prices go up within a day, but this quickness is not applicable when the oil prices go down..
They always use the same old tact,,it takes time for the price reductions to filter down,,well they only took 5 min`s to go up,,
There are already stocks of the higher priced petrol. Prices will not come down until these stocks are used up.
gas went down where i live.
Hi,I am in England our Petrol prices have started to come down.Hope yours drops.Good Luck
Bush did it.

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