Monday, July 26, 2010

What's the difference in the price from a year ago to today - for a barrel of oil and a gallon of gasoline?

Actually as of today the price of a barrel of crude is two dollars less than it was a year ago. The price of a barrel dropped yesterday ..did you notice any drop in gas prices like you would if the price of oil went up???What's the difference in the price from a year ago to today - for a barrel of oil and a gallon of gasoline?
Jess ,a barrel of oil is about the same ,but the gasoline is a different story ,what a joke .

last yr we where paying $2.50 a gallon ,about the same price of a gallon of milk.

today we paying $3.09 to $3.19 in the south .i heard California they paying a dollar more..

It's called POLITICS.What's the difference in the price from a year ago to today - for a barrel of oil and a gallon of gasoline?
A damaged refinery and pipe lines, having to import gasoline. When the oil companies have to PURCHASE gasoline instead of refine it we pay more.鈥?/a>

You can see the date this began and the increase in demand only raises costs higher as we not only strain our own refineries but start straining those we import from.

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