Friday, July 23, 2010

Will you smile when oil prices hit $100 a barrel?鈥?/a>

(for a point of reference I think oil is in the 60s or low 70s right now but might be wrong, so itll equate to another $1 a gallon or so)

I know I will. It's about time wasteful *** holes that drive huge cars and trucks/SUVs that they dont really need will really have to start paying more for squandering resources. the price increase wont bother me much since i drive a small car, so im more than happy to pay a small increase if it means less waste.Will you smile when oil prices hit $100 a barrel?
Hey, I saw this coming a long time ago. I have a 2004 Prius and a 2007 Camry Hybrid. Personally, I don't care WHAT the cost of gas is! The only thing I care about is that it is available.

I don't care that people buy SUVs and such, as long as they have some kind of demonstrable reason to do so, like pulling a boat, or something. What just kills me is the family who's massive gas-guzzling 4WD SUV has never been off the road (and never will), and her household has exactly one other person, like her spouse, and he drives yet another massive SUV.

We could have afforded most any car out there, up to and including the massive SUVs, but we decided that the only smart thing to do was go with the technology that would do what we needed, and provide the comfort that we wanted. We traded our 2000 Avalon XLS in for the Prius and never looked back. We already had a 2002 Prius and traded that into for the Camry Hybrid. Nothing else for us, anymore! We are done with conventional cars.

Hope you have a great day!


Yo, Terry H, why do you assume because something gets good mileage, it is too small to carry people? The Prius is considered a mid-sized car by any standard (including the EPA and all of the reporting and testing magazines) and my Camry Hybrid is the same size as every other Camry in the 2007 model line. I care about how many people I can carry, not how much excess weight I can tote around, like you do.Will you smile when oil prices hit $100 a barrel?
';I guess I'm a wasteful ***hole because I drive a Dodge Ram with a HEMI to pull my 29 foot travel trailer';

guess so, didnt realize a travel trailer was a requirment of life Report Abuse

I own a shop, and agree with everything you are saying, and could add some more to it, but I won't. I do own a gas guzzling vehicle, but I race it, and don't drive it every day. My daily driver gets over 30 mpg. and I wish it did better.

We are living in a situation where we are being robbed by every company out there, and the government officials turn their heads because they get kick backs. When you think about it; Everything we ';have'; to have, is priced out of sight, and going up every day. The higher the prices, the easier it is to recoup the large sums of money we spend on war in taxes. Since gas prices dictate the cost of everything in one way or the other, we are being robbed without a gun here. Show me an honest man, and I'll show you a broke man. We all know what is taking place, but the question is; What are we going to do about it? Is there ';really'; anything we can do about it? Some ignorant (rich) people would drive those big vehicles it oil hit $500 a barrel. Laws are made to protect business, not the people as it should be. I could write a book on this, but I would have to charge $50 a copy to make any money on it. One thing for sure, we are all going to hell in a hand basket, and we can blame greed for it all.

Glad to add my 2 cents worth!!!
This article means nothing,it is just his opinion,right now oil is dropping and will keep dropping as the dollar gets stronger.October is always when oil price is the highest and it drops over the winter months as people drive less.Not everyone can drive little vehicles,how do you fit 4 kids in a little Toyota?What about people that use their trucks for work?I guess I'm a wasteful ***hole because I drive a Dodge Ram with a HEMI to pull my 29 foot travel trailer.But then again I can afford it so I drive what I want not what someone wants to dictate to me to drive.
Look at it this way, you should be able to find a used fossil fuel burnin' SUV fairly cheap in another year. People will trade those things off quickly. Then maybe I can finally afford to buy one so I can tow my sisters horse trailer around instead of having to pay someone to do it for us.
oil hitting 100 bucks a barrel won't stop suv drivers. that's foolish to think that. they want suv's, they'll have suv's. I'll smile when it hits 100 bucks a barrel because i'll be working for an oil company in a few years, and that just means more money for me.
I put 20 bucks a week in my tank every two weeks so a buck a gallon will be noticable, but wont kill me. I think it is rediculous that oil companies are posting record profits and still gouging the public.
depends on how big the barrel is. :P


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