Since there seems to be so much debate, and majority of republicans and americans think that we should drill offshore to avoid high gas prices, I want to know how drilling for oil offshore will affect our gas prices today. If it doesn't affect it, tell me why it would lessen our dependency on foreign oil in the future.How will drilling for oil affect gas prices today?
Speaking as someone who works for a major oil company, drilling offshore will not affect gas prices in the short-term at all, and even in the long term will not affect gas prices by more than a few cents. There simply isn't enough known oil in US offshore regions, or in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge, either, to make much difference compared with total world production. The price of oil is based on production and comsumption worldwide, not just in the US.
What opening up these areas to drilling will do is end up making even more money for the oil companies, which have been setting and breaking records for profits over the last several years. So yes, by all means, open up the offshore areas to drilling. I'm planning on retiring in a few years, and the higher my company's stock price, the better for me. How will drilling for oil affect gas prices today?
Drilling oil in America will not immediately drop gas prices. So those wanting to drill for this reason are being unrealistic. The reason we should be drilling for oil is so that America can become SELF-SUFFICIENT, and depending less on unstable countries to supply it.
This may not immediately lower gas prices, but in the long run, our money stays in America, and we are not funding foriegn governments with a taste for weapons. That is the reason we should be drilling for oil in America.
Our oil reserves are there for the military in case of war or national emergencies, plain and simple. If an extreme situation develops somewhere in the world (as it usually does), and we use the gas meant for them, how can they defend us? How can any military force get around with no gas?
It is up to the American citizen to lower gas prices.
Tired of Paying High Gas Prices? Then Read This鈥?/a>
If they started drilling today off the East Coast like they propose, we wouldn't see a drop of that oil for ten years. In ten years who could even guess what the world political scene will look like, so there's no real answer. I will say this much; since gas hit four bucks a gallon, Americans have learned to drive less and do without. And that's a good thing because we will NEVER see cheap oil again. Conservation and alternative renewable energy are the only answer.
Just the announcement alone will bring prices down. Our ';Friends'; in the middle east would not want to lose their best customers now would they? I don't know the validity behind this, but when Bush lifted the ban on exploring for our own oil, prices began to drop and McCain credited Bush for this. If thats true, then my opinion would appear to be validated.
I don't think it will help today. Pres Clinton should have allowed it 10 years or so ago when we might today see the affects. So, if they start drilling now, will it be Bush's fault if we don't see any affects for another 10 years? Don't think so. It's just that everything seems to be his fault nowadays.
Historically OPEC gets very nervous when America threatens to become energy independent, and they magically increase production, which will give us an instant drop in price.
Plus if Russia can discover oil off their coast and have it drilled and to refineries within 14 months so can we!!!
Drill for Independence
It may in fact increase the prices, as the oil companies recoup the cost of the drilling from the already beleaguered consumer.
It won't help _today_.
However we are in this mess today because Clinton refused to allow drilling back in 1998 - because it would take ten years to see the benefits.
(Do the math.)
It wouldn't
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