Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The gover ment should control the price we pay for gas. the oil companys have ripped us off?

the gov is already doing it to us. if we didn't have such high taxes it would be cheaper, if the gov would allow more refinery's, it would be cheaper, if the gov would allow more drilling in alaska it would be cheaper. So the rip off people is the gov. not the oil companys. And if the gov would allow us to vote on the issue it would be cheaper.The gover ment should control the price we pay for gas. the oil companys have ripped us off?
How would you like it if the government regulated the size of your pay check? Considering you are even asking this quesition implies the government already does. It probably artifically increases your pay. Listen the oil industry needs to make money like everyone else. They also expect to make a profit. What do you mean rip us off??? The price of oil is based on supply and demand. If you think the price of gas is too high, then get a smaller car which uses less of it. Why not take public transportation? The oil firms didn't force anyone to buy an SUV's. Did you know in Europe the a gallon of petro costs like $5? Don't cry about the price here. No one shed a tear for the oil firms back in the early '90's when they hurting for profit and oil was dirt cheap. Bottom line: If you think the price of gas is too high, then drive less, get a home closer to work, or buy a smaller car. Let me ask you what you drive????

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